The Best of the Best
As an ABVP Certified Veterinarian, you are among a very small group of specialists who earned the Diplomate title and joined an elite cadre of species-specialized veterinarians dedicated to veterinary excellence.
We salute the hard work and sacrifice you made to achieve this goal and recognize your clinical acumen.
Proper Title usage
Diplomate Titles
Diplomates of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners should always use their title accurately and consistently.
Correct Pronunciation
Diplomate (dip·lo·mate, /ˈdipləˌmāt/)
a person who holds a diploma, especially a doctor certified as a specialist by a board of examiners.
Diplomat (dip·lo·mat, /ˈdi-plə-ˌmat/) is a person who
is employed or skilled in diplomacy, for example, a foreign diplomat.
For more detailed information, see Guidelines For The Use Of The ABVP Diplomate Title
Correct Usage
- Dr. Chris Smith, DABVP (Canine & Feline Practice)
- Chris Smith, DVM, DABVP (Equine Practice)
- Chris Smith, DVM Board Certified in Exotic Companion Mammal Practice by The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
- Dr. Chris Smith, Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, Board Certified in Avian Practice
Incorrect Usage
Never make intentionally or unintentionally misleading claims. For Example: Chris Smith, DVM, DABVP (Feline Medicine)

Staying current
Maintenance of Certification
Since ABVP’s inception in 1978, the specialty college has required Maintenance of Certification (MOC) every ten years. This is not “re-certifying” but “maintaining” your expertise – showing that you are staying current and staying the best of the best. MOC is achieved with a combination of Continuing Education, Journal Club, and various additional methods. The MOC Committee is there to help you succeed. For contact information, please see the Maintenance of Certification Handbook.
Reading / quizzes
Journal Club
Journal Club is a mandatory part of MOC. An article to read and a corresponding quiz is posted on “odd” months. You will need to successfully complete 40 of the 60 articles and quizzes over the 10 year period.
IMPORTANT: Articles and quizzes are only available for 1 year after posting. Do NOT wait until the last minute! We recommend completing an average of 4 of 6 quizzes per year.
OPTIONAL: You can “chat” with your fellow Diplomates about the journal article. Contact ABVP if you would like to be added to the Google Group listserv!
Important Due Dates
- Membership dues must be paid by June 30th of every year. Diplomate dues are currently $380 and Emeritus Diplomate dues are $70 (July 2024).
- Maintenance of Certification: Final application, once all individual points applications are approved, is due July 15th of your 10th year. MOC fees are currently $675 (July 2024).
ABVP & VIN Rounds
ABVP is pleased to partner with VIN to make Rounds available to all ABVP Diplomates. You must be a VIN Member and/or an ABVP Diplomate to attend. Those who attend the live session will earn 1 hour of CE credit. Sessions are also recorded for viewing later with no CE credit awarded.
ABVP & VIN Rounds Calendar
2025 Dates
- January 26, 9:00 PM Eastern, The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship Within Shelter System, Aimee Dalrymple, DVM, MS, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice)
- February 13, 9:00 PM Eastern, Outbreak Management in Animal Shelters, Erin Katribe, DVM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice)